Why Am I Hungry Before My Period?
Have you ever experienced intense cravings, a desire for foods you don’t typically eat, or simply a feeling of never-ending hunger the week before your period? Not only can hunger make us feel out of sorts before periods, but it can also seriously hinder our ability to achieve our performance and aesthetic goals.
Let’s explore the science behind period cravings to finally understand what’s going on, including whether or not it’s normal, whether you should even be concerned, and whether it’s okay when you are on your period, to eat more.
You find yourself suddenly starving and searching your apartment for a supply of extra chocolate. You might also be consuming the juice while emptying the pickle jar of every last spear. Aunt Flo is headed your way.
Even in the Uber Eats era, cravings and hunger before your period are instincts from primal times.
Here, we examine the reasons why the trio of tacos didn’t even come close to filling you up. Furthermore, we offer a plan of action that will make you feel more content in these insatiable times.
Hunger Before Period:
You might or might not have gone through that period of compulsive eating. That uncomfortable sensation of not even approaching fullness. You might be eating more at dinner and lunch or just snacking more. You might even sneak food and eat it when no one is looking.
There may be additional emotions that come along with it as well, such as sadness, guilt, or uncertainty about why and how much you’re eating.
Although an increase in appetite is a typical symptom women experience prior to the start of their bleeding phase, it can be uncomfortable and strange to go through. Fries, chocolate, and other calorie-dense foods that you might not usually include in your diet may appeal to you. So, should you care? Should you give in?
Hormones and yearning.
According to Jamé Heskett, MD, author of The Well Path, your body prepares for a potential pregnancy during ovulation, which occurs six to fourteen days before your period. Your hormones and metabolism may be affected by this preparation.
Your hormones experience an ups and downs during the final stage of the follicular phase, which occurs just before ovulation. (Weeeee!).
Estradiol, an estrogen hormone, first climbs and peaks. In the luteal phase, which lasts until your monthly companion appears, your hormones continue their wild ride that began during ovulation.
Progesterone increases around the time that estrogen declines in the early luteal phase.
Researchers are still trying to pinpoint exactly how the menstrual cycle affects hunger, but they’ve known for years that the luteal phase can increase appetite and carbohydrate cravings (pass the pasta, please). Dependable Source.
According to Kelly Klump, PhD, a Michigan State University Foundation Endowed Professor who studies eating disorders, some people are more predisposed than others to experiencing hormone-fueled hunger.
She explains that “emotional” or “binge” eating during the menstrual cycle, when it seems impossible to stop, is more common in people who are genetically predisposed to eating disorders.
These hormones actually switch genes on and off, claims Klump.”So risk genes for eating disorders are more likely to be activated when hormone levels rise after ovulation.
As a result, when hormones are out of control, there is a higher chance of engaging in ED-prone behavior. This vulnerability can lead to a vicious cycle, especially given that Klump’s most recent research indicates that people start worrying more and more about their weight after ovulation. Verified Source.
She claims it’s a kind of response to binge eating. We may still have concerns about our weight and appearance after our bodies instruct us to eat more calories.
Serotonin and cravings for carbohydrates:
According to Gerardo Bustillo, MD, an OB/GYN at Orange Coast Medical Center, fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can also affect neurotransmitters like serotonin.
He continues that mood changes and food cravings are greatly influenced by serotonin. When serotonin levels fall during the luteal phase, craving carbohydrates may be your body’s attempt at self-medication.
A rise in premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, has been associated with low serotonin. Think of the unpleasant things like cramps, irritability, depression, headaches, etc. Dependable Source.
Consuming more carbohydrates can increase serotonin, which will improve your mood. In other words, your body wants that morning muffin to mask your premenstrual discomfort.
Iffath Hoskins, MD, an obstetrician at NYU’s Langone Medical Center, adds that having disturbed sleep—pulling all-nighters or getting only 6 hours—can make it even worse.
Does Hunger During Period Occur Normally?
While asking yourself “why am I so hungry before my period” is completely normal, an increased appetite can occasionally point to a more serious problem, such as serious bingeing episodes that could signify disordered eating or a lapse into binge eating disorder (BED).
More than 90% of women are Understanding that you should seek medical attention or advice for a solution if you experience compulsive or excessive eating that feels gripping and uncontrollable after your period ends is crucial.thought to experience PMS symptoms, which include an increase in appetite.
Why Am I Hungry So Much Before My Period?
While there isn’t a lot of proof as to why intense cravings and appetite increase before your period, some research does imply that hormonal changes may be to blame.
These changes may also lead to cravings and a desire for more energy from food itself. The main hormones involved in this are estrogen and progesterone, both of which change significantly over the course of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
The emotional effects of hormonal changes, such as ups and downs in our happiness and sadness, also accompany them. These mood swings may also cause us to unconsciously or subconsciously turn to food to help us cope with our emotions, to sooth our feelings, or to increase the release of serotonin (the happy hormone), for example, from foods that contain sugar.
But doing so can also affect our blood sugar levels, both favorably and unfavorably. By doing this, we could exacerbate cravings and force ourselves to eat. We might rationalize our eating, which could result in feelings of guilt and shame, and we might stray from our objectives for appearance and athletic prowess.
Regularly taking a high-quality vitamin D supplement may help maintain mood stability and provide your body with a vital micronutrient both before and during your period.
The relationship between metabolism and hunger.
The preparation for surfing the crimson wave requires a little more effort from your body. As a result, according to Bustillo, your basal metabolic rate increases before and during the first few days of your period.
In the days preceding and during code red, there may be a slightly higher calorie burn and demand for energy.
It is frustrating to realize that going without food can also make you feel hungry. The body actually strengthens the hunger instinct if we anticipate turning down the good stuff because we know we’ll be extra hungry, claims Heskett.
Your Period And Metabolism:
In fact, your body expends a little bit more energy in the weeks leading up to your period. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) may rise just before or during the period’s onset. A slight increase in calorie burn in the body can tell the brain that you need more food and trigger hunger cues, though it won’t have the same drastic effects as a very intense workout.
Therefore, even though you don’t necessarily need to eat more to support this normal activity—your period—it is important to note that restriction and deprivation of foods may have a negative psychological impact. When we refuse food or restrict ourselves from eating when we are actually hungry, cravings may get worse and hunger signals may become more pronounced.

How Can I Stop Being Hungry Before My Period?
The week before your period, if you find yourself giving in to cravings and an increased appetite, there are ways to make it better.
Try Your Best To Avoid Deprivation.
As we said before, try not to deny yourself nourishing foods or intense cravings. If you find yourself restricting or eating less, you may be robbing yourself of vital vitamins and minerals, which will only mask your symptoms.
Step away from the food, get a bottle of water, go for a walk, and change the subject in your story to see if you are actually hungry or just feeling emotional or mentally famished.
How to Feel Better (Without Food)
While food is wonderful, things may not turn out well if you start eating out of emotion rather than hunger. Take up a low-stress hobby like yoga, spinning, or deep breathing to improve your mood instead.
Even if it means skipping your regularly scheduled weightlifting or marathon training, a few days to prevent yourself from overindulging in food and becoming emotionally overwhelmed will be well worth it.
Take A Nutrition Coach Into Account.
A qualified, experienced nutrition coach can help if you’re still stumped about “why I’m so hungry before my period.”. Working one-on-one with a coach will help you understand your body better, improve your relationship with food, and stop feeling so lost or misunderstood about your cycle times.
The relationship between compulsive eating and menstruation can be better understood with the aid of a coach, who can also assist in developing practical strategies for dealing with cravings and hunger during this time.
Give your body what it requires.
You can give your body the nutrients it needs so that it won’t become out of whack when the hunger that comes before your period sets in by filling up on high iron-content meats, green leafy vegetables, and some delectable fruit. In order for the body to function more effectively and for you to feel better, this will let it know that it is getting food, nutrients, and water.
Conclusion: Why Am I Always Hungry Before My Period?
It’s time to start paying closer attention to what you put into your body before, during, and after your period if you want to feel better, reduce cravings, and feel more in control of the crimson tide.
You can start to comprehend your body, your hormones, and what it is trying to tell you it needs along the way by giving it more high-quality nutrients, regularly nourishing it, and being aware of PMS symptoms and when they occur.
While you probably don’t need to consume the entire jar of peanut butter, box of crackers, or assortment of chocolates, keep in mind that your body might require additional nutrition in order to permanently resolve the mystery of “why am I so hungry before my period?”
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