What Do Eleven Studies Say About the Benefits of L-Tyrosine?
L-tyrosine, a non-essential amino acid that is frequently found in nootropics, energy drinks, and supplements, is a precursor to dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, three essential neurotransmitters.
Because it may enhance cognitive performance, productivity, memory, and learning, tyrosine is thought by researchers to be beneficial during periods of high stress or cognitive challenge. We’ll go into more detail about the benefits of tyrosine, its mode of action, and why this amino acid is so crucial for improving brain function.
What Is L-Tyrosine?
The body creates tyrosine from phenylalanine, a non-essential amino acid. It is one of the 20 amino acids necessary for the growth and maintenance of protein cells.
The catecholamines, a group of neurotransmitters primarily produced by tyrosine, include dopamine, adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine), melanin, and thyroid hormones.
Dopamine is one type of neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that have the ability to stimulate or inhibit the transmission of particular signals to your brain and central nervous system, including those linked to stress, anxiety, and fear. It is connected to the brain’s reward mechanisms, which are involved in learning, pleasure seeking, and raising arousal levels.
Tyrosine is a precursor to epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, a catecholamine that controls your body’s flight or fight response to stress and fear. Blood pressure and heart rate are increased by noradrenaline, which is also produced by it. All of these things are affected, including your alertness, arousal, decision-making ability, focus, and attention.
Tyrosine is used to make thyroid hormones in addition to melanin, which is the pigment in your skin.
Gains from L-tyrosine.
Perhaps Good For Stress And Cognitive Performance.
Research suggests that tyrosine may act as an adaptogen, minimizing the negative effects of stress and anxiety. Tyrosine enters the brain after passing through the blood-brain barrier, where it is metabolized first into dopamine and then into norepinephrine by enzymatic processes.
Dopamine and norepinephrine can become depleted in stressful situations, so tyrosine may help raise and restore their levels.
The body needs tyrosine to make dopamine, which is crucial for mental processes like memory and learning. Because of this functional codependence, researchers speculate that tyrosine may be linked to enhanced brain function.
A small randomized controlled study that examined the effects of tyrosine on cognitive flexibility and the capacity to switch between tasks in situations requiring high cognitive demand in 22 women found that it significantly improved working memory during a mentally taxing task when compared to placebo.
Cognitive adaptability refers to the ability to switch between tasks, concepts, or processes. Focus and productivity can benefit from improved cognitive flexibility.
Another investigation was conducted at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory in Pensacola, Florida, to examine the impact of tyrosine on cognitive performance during prolonged wakefulness, also referred to as sleep deprivation. Subjects completed tasks all night long after going without sleep for 24 hours.
After taking a single 150mg dose of tyrosine, the results showed that people who had missed a night of sleep were able to stay alert for three hours longer than usual.
Performance on the field of play.
Good mental and cognitive processes are essential for athletic performance. Both long-distance training and competitive sports demand a high level of focus, vigilance, and cognitive flexibility.
For instance, CrossFit combines Olympic lifting, high-volume workouts, and consistently varied high-velocity functional training movements. For smooth transitions between lifts and execution with proper lifting form, extreme focus and cognitive flexibility are needed.

Remembering your workout schedule becomes very difficult as a result of the physical exhaustion that comes from lifting heavy weights and combining them with high-intensity aerobic exercises. This requires mental flexibility as well as the sharpest concentration and processing power.
According to research, elevated dopamine levels may improve one’s capacity for endurance exercise. An intriguing study looked at whether tyrosine supplementation increases exercise capacity in the heat.
In two separate time trials, 8 male participants drank either the same beverage containing 500 mg of placebo (dextrin) or 150 mg of tyrosine per kg of bodyweight. The results showed that acute tyrosine supplementation improved heat tolerance in subjects with moderate training.
Numerous studies have found a connection between tyrosine’s effects on dopamine and norepinephrine and enhanced mental and physical performance. The short-term effects of L-tyrosine on preventing a decline in cognitive function in response to physical stress are its main effects that have been seen.
May enhance memory.
The brain needs tyrosine to produce catecholamines, which are responsible for memory and learning. The function of tyrosine in the brain is consequently immediately related to and associated with.
However, it has been demonstrated that the memory-enhancing effects of tyrosine are only present in younger adults and are absent in older adults. A study that appeared in the journal e-Neuro found that aging has an impact on how dopamine functions in the brain and is responsible for some cognitive changes associated with aging, such as mild memory loss.
However, a study published in the journal Psychological Research discovered a connection between increased tyrosine intake and improvements in mental performance. According to additional research, tyrosine unquestionably improves cognitive flexibility and mental processing.
The condition known as PKU is phenylketonuria.
PKU is an extremely uncommon, inherited metabolic disorder. People with PKU have a defective gene that the body uses to metabolize the essential amino acid phenylalanine. In the absence of this gene and enzyme, phenylalanine levels in the blood rise.
A low-phenylalanine diet is the primary treatment for PKU. In a nutritional supplement for those with the metabolic disorder, tyrosine is included along with all the other necessary amino acids.
In people with PKU, a slow-release amino acid supplement containing tyrosine may help maintain normal blood levels of the amino acid.
This is according to a 2020 study published in the Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. For PKU patients, it is important to consistently maintain blood tyrosine levels in order to improve clinical outcomes.
Possible side effects include.
As a side effect, tyrosine supplements may result in headaches or upset stomach. Although extremely unlikely, it is also possible to have an allergic reaction to these kinds of supplements because of cross-contamination, ingredient omission, or source of the amino acid.
The drug tyrosine interacts with a wide range of other substances.
Preparation and Dosage.
There is no established dosage for supplemental tyrosine. However, the most common dose in studies is 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
Some supplement producers advise splitting tyrosine into three daily doses to be taken 30 minutes before each meal. According to Mount Sinai, consuming tyrosine supplements that also include vitamin B6, folate, and copper may help the substance’s capacity to be transformed into brain chemicals.
Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that can be found in a variety of foods, including eggs, chicken, fish, avocados, bananas, oats, wheat, peanuts, soy, and wheat. There is no need for supplements because a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all the food groups will provide enough tyrosine.
Consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any dietary supplements into your daily routine. They might be able to give you advice on how much to take and whether the supplement is safe for you.
What to Search For.
Dietary supplement regulation is not handled by the FDA. Pay close attention to the Supplement Facts label, the ingredient list, and the active ingredient list when selecting a supplement. Some supplements may contain extra ingredients that interact negatively with medications or other supplements or have undesirable side effects.
Also, look for a reputable third-party label, such as the U. S. ConsumerLab, NSF International, or Pharmacopeia are some options. According to these labels, the supplement was examined by a separate laboratory.
Never take a dietary supplement that makes the claim that it can treat a disease or its symptoms. According to the FDA, supplement manufacturers are not allowed to make these kinds of health claims.
Side effects of L-tyrosine include.
When taken orally, tyrosine is frequently found in food. Tyrosine may be safe when taken short-term as a medication. It appears to be safe when administered daily in doses up to 150 mg/kg for up to 3 months. Heartburn, fatigue, headaches, and nausea are a few of the side effects that some people claim to experience.
When applied to the skin, tyrosine might be secure.
Warnings and special precautions:
Due to a lack of comprehensive, reliable data, it is unknown whether tyrosine is safe to consume while pregnant or nursing. To be safe, keep food portions the same.
Tyrosine is used by the body to make the thyroid hormone thyroxine, which is a thyroid disorder. An excessive increase in thyroxine levels may result from consuming too much tyrosine. As a result, Grave’s disease and hyperthyroidism might both worsen. If you suffer from a thyroid disorder, stay away from tyrosine supplements.
Foods like dairy, meats, eggs, fish, beans, nuts, oats, and wheat contain tyrosine. Tyrosine supplements have been used most frequently by adults in daily oral doses of 100–300 mg/kg. Consult a healthcare professional to find out what dosage may be best for a specific condition.
The following information is important: “This information is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare provider and is not intended to cover all potential.applications, warning signs, interactions, or adverse effects.
This information might not be relevant to your priceless health situation. Never disregard or delay seeking medical advice because of something you read on WebMD; instead, speak with your doctor or another appropriately qualified health care provider.
Always check with your doctor or another qualified health care provider to see if you should start, stop, or change any prescribed aspect of your healthcare plan or course of treatment to ensure that it is the best course of action for you.
The source of this legally protected material is the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Information from this source is factual, unbiased, and unaffected by commercial interests. For specialized medical information on natural remedies, visit the Professional Version of the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.
Effectiveness and Uses.
Effective for.
- PKU, also known as phenylketonuria, is an inherited disorder that results in elevated phenylalanine levels in the blood. People with PKU are incapable of breaking down phenylalanine.
- Tyrosine is made by the body from this amino acid. Tyrosine levels should not fall below a certain level, so PKU patients are advised to consume L- tyrosine-rich medical foods with minimal phenylalanine.
Potentially useful for:
Memory and thought processes are cognitive functions. Tyrosine supplements may improve mental performance under stress.
Memory. L-tyrosine appears to improve memory under duress when taken orally.
Potentially ineffective for:
Taking L-tyrosine orally before working out or riding a bike doesn’t seem to improve performance.
Tyrosine is being considered for many other applications, but there isn’t enough evidence to say whether or not it will be helpful.
Tyrosine-Rich Foods and the Need for This Amino Acid.
If you’ve recently experienced sleep deprivation and want to feel more alert, increasing your intake of foods high in L-tyrosine may be helpful. The amino acid L-tyrosine, also known as L-tyrosine, aids in the production of dopamine, which keeps your mind and memory sharp, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Conditions, non-essential, and essential are the three classifications of amino acids. It matters whether your body can produce these amino acids on its own. Although your body can produce some amino acids that are not considered essential, you must get essential amino acids from food.
In line with U. S. Tyrosine is a conditionally essential amino acid, according to the Department of Agriculture. This means that while your body can typically produce enough of it unless there is a disease or condition preventing it from doing so. the National Library of Medicine (NLM), sdot.
Your body can synthesize tyrosine if you consume enough phenylalanine, a crucial amino acid. The Mayo Clinic advises supplementation rather than avoiding phenylalanine-rich foods for people with phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare metabolic disorder.
You should be aware that many foods that contain L-tyrosine also contain phenylalanine if you have PKU, and that high-protein foods typically have higher L-tyrosine levels.
Supplements with L-tyrosine vs. Foods:
One way to raise L-tyrosine levels is by supplementing. However, supplements “can be expensive and they can’t replace a healthy diet,” according to Maples. “. Set obtaining adequate protein from various sources as a top priority”.
She suggests consuming sources of protein that are not meat in order to raise L-tyrosine levels. She also suggests keeping an eye on your intake of saturated fat to avoid consuming too much.
- Consume three servings of milk, yogurt, or cheese each day.
- Consume seafood (fish or shellfish, preferably twice weekly).
- lentils, dried beans, and dried peas.
- Eggs.
- products made from nuts and seeds.
Read More: Supplements For A Healthy Live
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