Dietary supplements for a healthy liver.
The liver is the body’s largest and most important organ. One in ten Americans, or 30 million people, have some form of liver disease, with 5 million of those people having chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.
Numerous crucial processes are carried out by the liver.
In addition to storing and releasing energy from food, a healthy liver acts as your body’s natural detoxification and filtration system, removing waste products and toxins from your body.
Due to the significance of a healthy liver to your health, many supplements are being marketed that contain ingredients like milk thistle, artichoke leaf, cysteine, burdock, dandelion root, and tauroursodeoxycholic acid, or TUDCA as it is more commonly known.
Does liver supplementation actually work? Does the research support the marketing claims? Does the organ that detoxifies your body actually require a detox for itself? Liver supplements make claims that they will “detoxify,” “rejuvenate,” and “rescue” your liver.
How Does the Liver Function?
Nearly all patients with healthy liver disease, especially those with advanced healthy liver disease, display malnutrition-related symptoms, such as mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
This is where many important biological processes take place. The nutrients in your food are transformed into the building blocks your body requires. Additionally, it detoxifies the body by dissolving harmful substances into harmless ones.
Before food enters your bloodstream and is filtered there, it is first processed in your stomach, intestines, and liver. Vitamin K helps the healthy liver produce the proteins required for blood clotting.
Your healthy liver plays a role in the metabolism as well as the process of nutrient extraction from food.
By removing and metabolizing glucose, it controls blood sugar levels. Protein digestion and absorption result in the production of energy from amino acids. Lipolysis is the process by which fat is metabolized.

Support For A Healthy Liver.
Malnutrition and certain nutrient deficiencies are frequently associated with liver disease. It is frequently possible to address many of the underlying issues with liver health by implementing a healthy and well-balanced nutrition plan and diet before using supplements as a therapeutic intervention for liver health, particularly those related to non-alcoholic fatty healthy liver disease (NAFLD).
Milk Thistle.
Licorice root extract, or glycyrrhizin.
TUDCA, or tauroursodeoxycholic acid.
Iris lappa L. , also referred to as burdock, is a type of plant. Root.
“Milk Thistle”.
One of the most popular supplements for liver health is milk thistle. The active component known as milk thistle or Silymarin is found in Silybium marianum, a flowering plant in the daisy family with pronounced white “milky” veins on its leaves.
Due to its anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic properties, milk thistle has been the focus of numerous studies that have yielded a variety of findings regarding its hepatoprotective effects on various toxic hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, ischemic injury, and viral-induced liver disease.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study that was reported in the Journal Of Hepatology, the effects of silymarin on patients with healthy liver cirrhosis were investigated. 170 patients received a daily dose of 140 mg of milk thistle for a median of 41 months. Results showed that milk thistle was effective in treating cirrhosis brought on by alcoholism.
In contrast, a study involving 200 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis found no benefit from taking 150 mg of silymarin three times per day.
Due to high patient dropout rates and issues with compliance, both studies had significant methodological flaws.
A Cochrane Database systematic review looked at 18 different randomized controlled trials with 1088 patients who had liver diseases brought on by alcoholism and/or the hepatitis B or C virus.
Only 28% of the trials reported high methodological quality traits and found no appreciable difference between the treatment and placebo groups, indicating that the majority of trials were of low quality.
Liquorice root extract contains glycyrrhizin.
The active component of licorice root, glycyrrhizin, a mixture of glucuronic and glycyrrhetinic acids, may help injured liver cells recover. Licorice root has been used in middle eastern medicine for centuries because of its antiviral, detoxifying, and antiallergic properties.
The positive effects of licorice root on the liver could be caused by a variety of different mechanisms. Glycyrrhizin’s hepatoprotective effects are a result of its antioxidant, antilipid perioxidation, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, and anti-inflammatory properties.
The majority of clinical trials evaluating glycyrrhizin (IV) as a potential therapeutic treatment have been conducted in patients with hepatitis C who are intolerant or resistant to interferon therapy. Interferons are organic substances that help the body’s immune system fight off diseases like cancer. According to in vitro research, glycyrrhizin generates endogenous interferon.
Due to their small sample sizes, ambiguous results, poor methodology, and treatment protocols, the majority of studies on licorice root produce implausible findings.
In one Japanese study, a standard preparation of glycyrrhizin combined with glycine and cysteine was given to 133 patients with histologically confirmed chronic active hepatitis. After one month of therapy, transaminases dropped by almost 40% in the treatment group versus a mere 2% in the placebo group. This study has significant shortcomings and limitations as a result of its short duration.
Chlorella, a microalgae, is present in numerous greens and reds powders as well as one standalone dietary supplement. There are also significant amounts of minerals, fiber, and bioactive substances.
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial at Tabriz University in Iran looked at the effects of chlorella vulgaris supplementation on liver enzymes, serum glucose, and lipid profiles in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
55 of the 70 NAFLD patients who were recruited finished the study. Patients who were taking estrogen, taking contraceptives, hepatotoxic drugs, lipid-lowering drugs, metformin, or antihypertensive drugs were also excluded. Patients with certain liver conditions, such as Wilson’s disease, autoimmune liver disease, hemochromatosis, viral infection, and alcoholic fatty liver, were also excluded.
Patients were randomly assigned to the “intervention” and “placebo” groups using a computer-generated random sequence. The patients in both groups received 400 mg of vitamin E, which is frequently prescribed to people with NAFLD.
The groups received 1200 mg of chlorella daily for 8 weeks or a placebo.
Patients with NAFLD who were taking chlorella supplements compared favorably to those who were taking placebos in terms of weight loss, improvements in lipid profiles, and liver function after eight weeks.
TUDCA: tauroursodeoxycholic acid.
Studies suggest that ursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) may encourage hepatocyte proliferation. The hepatocyte is a sizeable cell type in the parenchymal tissues of the liver and is important for many different liver functions, including albumin secretion, clotting factors, and complements.
Studies show that TUDCA has the ability to reduce the levels of ALT, AST, and ALP, three markers of liver cirrhosis.
Proteins are converted into energy for the liver cells by a liver enzyme called ALT. Damage to the liver causes the release of ALT, which raises blood levels. The name “aspartate transaminase” (AST) refers to an enzyme that facilitates the metabolism of amino acids.
A good AST:ALT ratio ought to be. andlt;1. The AST:ALT ratio is > 1 in 92% and > 2 in 70% of patients with alcoholic liver disease, respectively. As a result, AST:ALT scores >2 are strongly suggestive of
alcoholic liverĀ disease, whereas scores 1 are more suggestive of NAFLD/NASH.
High AST levels could be an indication of a damaged or unhealthy liver. TUDCA has been shown to reduce AST and ALT levels.
The arctium lappa L. is a plant also referred to as burdock. ) Root
Burdock is a common ingredient in liver supplements, but no studies have been done to show any benefits or protection for the liver. Burdock’s antioxidant properties, which reduce oxidative stress on hepatocytes, may account for the rat studies linking burdock supplementation to liver damage.
There are no known human clinical trials that demonstrate or support this claim, despite some evidence from animal studies suggesting that burdock may reduce liver damage markers.
Liver supplements: Do They Work?
The evidence that is currently available, according to the research, is insufficient or nonexistent to support the use of supplements like milk thistle, licorice root, dandelion, or TUDCA for indications relating to liver disease or liver health because of flawed methodology and study design.
More studies with better methodologies are required to determine whether or not herbal supplements can be used as helpful treatments for liver health.
Malnutrition and particular nutrient deficiency have a direct impact on the health of the liver. You should put emphasis on improving your diet and including healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables in order to supply the nutrients required for healthy liver function.
If you need a customized nutrition plan or have questions about how to improve your nutrition, make an appointment for a free consultation with a certified nutrition coach.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is primarily brought on by obesity and overweight. NAFLD is characterized by high levels of blood fats, particularly triglycerides, and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), a symptom of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Your cells do not absorb sugar in response to the hormone insulin when you have insulin resistance.
Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, antiprotease (antitrypsin) deficiency, and cystic fibrosis are a few examples of inherited acute or chronic liver diseases that have not received much research. Because inherited liver disease states are indicated and characterized, supplements and herbs have not been demonstrated to be effective in treating or curing any inherited liver disease state.
The following are indicators of liver issues.
The liver is a complex organ that performs numerous essential functions when it is healthy.
A healthy liver produces hormones, breaks down fats, and detoxifies the blood. It is possible to die as a result of liver disease, infection, or dysfunction.
Hepatitis is a self-limiting or chronic liver inflammation.
Hepatitis is brought on by a viral infection Reliable Source. Hepatitis can nevertheless be brought on by consuming alcohol, being exposed to toxins, using certain drugs, and having liver fat deposits.
According to the NIDDK, some people may display hepatitis C and hepatitis B symptoms in Trusted Source. Years may pass before a person with chronic hepatitis shows any symptoms Trusted Source.
The following list includes indicators of a sick liver.
- Jaundice is a term used to describe a yellowing of the skin and eyes.
- Abdomen-related discomfort and swelling.
- Legs and ankles that are swollen.
- Abrasive skin.
- Dark is how urine appears.
- A stool in a light color.
- Persistent exhaustion.
- Nauseous or vomiting.
- A decrease in appetite.
- An inclination to bruise easily.
Liver disease has a wide range of origins.
Hepatic viral and parasitic infections can cause inflammation and impaired liver function. Viral infections that harm the liver can be spread through direct contact with an infected person, contaminated food or water, blood or semen, contaminated surfaces, or contaminated objects. The most common forms of liver infection are caused by hepatitis viruses, such as:
- hepatitis A virus.
- Type B liver illness.
- Hepatitis C, the virus.
Abnormality of the immune system:
Autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system targets particular body parts, may have an effect on the liver. Here are a few examples of autoimmune conditions that affect the healthy liver:
- Immune system-based hepatitis.
- primary biliary cholangitis.
- An early stage of sclerosing cholangitis.
If you have an abnormal gene that you either inherited from one of your parents or both of them, it can cause liver damage because of the buildup of various substances in your healthy liver. A number of liver disorders are inheriteted.
- Hemochromatosis.
- Wilson’s disease is a condition.
- alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
- various growths, including cancer.
- Liver cancer.
- the bile duct is cancerous.
- tumor in the liver.
- persistent alcoholism.
A buildup of fat in the liver is known as NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty healthy liver disease).
certain prescription or over-the-counter medications.
a few herbal drugs.
Risk factors include.
The following elements may have an impact on your risk of developing liver disease:
- excessive alcohol use.
- Obesity.
- type 2 diabetes.
- body piercings or tattoos.
- utilizing shared needles for drug injection.
- blood transfusion performed prior to 1992.
- contact with bodily fluids and blood of others.
- Sex that is not shielded.
- exposure to specific toxins or chemicals.
- Family history of liver disease.
There are different liver disease complications depending on the underlying cause of your healthy liver problems. Untreated liver disease can lead to liver failure, a condition that is potentially fatal.
- Don’t overdo it on the alcohol.
- Avoid taking unnecessary risks.
- Vaccinate yourself.
- Use prescription medication responsibly.
Use moderation when drinking alcohol.
Heavy or high-risk drinking is defined as having more than eight drinks per week for women and more than 15 drinks per week for men.
Avoid engaging in risky behavior.
When having sex, use a condom. If you decide to get a tattoo or have your body pierced, be picky about cleanliness and safety when selecting a shop. If you inject drugs, don’t share your needles, and if you use illicit intravenous drugs, get help.
Vaccinate yourself:
If you’re more likely to contract hepatitis or if the virus has already infected you in any way, talk to your doctor about getting the hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines.
Prescription medication abuse is not permitted.
Only use prescribed dosages of prescription and over-the-counter medications, and only when absolutely necessary. Avoid consuming alcohol while taking prescription medication. Consult your doctor before combining herbal supplements with any prescription or OTC drugs.
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