How To Get A Bigger Butt Using The Glute Bridge Exercise.
This article will go over how to increase the size of your butt by performing the glute bridge exercise. Your glutes are round, strong, firm, and juicy; yes, we are referring to them. Why? For the reason that when properly performed, the glute bridge exercise has been shown to increase strength, posture, roundness, and fullness in the booty for both sexes.
However, by regularly including the glute bridge exercise in your training (both male and female), you can expect some significant performance and athletic ability improvements in addition to strength and appearance.
What Is A Glute Bridge Exercise?
Just about everyone can benefit from the glute bridge exercise, regardless of whether they think having big, strong glutes looks good in a pair of jeans or whether they think having a big butt makes you athletic. Simply put, a glute bridge is a bridge you build with your body and your glutes.
Even though there are numerous glute bridge variations, lying on the floor is the most basic and straightforward. You simply drive your hips upward with your feet at a 90-degree angle, then immediately lower them again.
Glute Bridge Muscles Active:
The Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Minimus, and Gluteus Medius are the three muscles that make up the booty. Each of these muscles performs a different function and aids in performing a different movement. For the purposes of this article and many others, “glutes” usually refers to all three muscles working together.
Contrary to popular belief, the glute bridge works more than just the glute muscles. The back muscles, core and abdominal muscles, hip flexors, and hamstrings are among the muscles used in this movement, which is not performed in isolation.
Glute Bridge Exercise Benefits:

1. Low Impact Targeted Strength Exercise:
The glute bridge, in contrast to other glute-building exercises like deadlifts, squats, and lunges, is a low-impact, targeted glute exercise that is relatively simple to do, allowing you to bulk up without putting undue strain on your knees or back. Sometimes these other movements can minimize strength and muscle growth gains by placing less emphasis on the targeted muscle group, such as the glutes, as a result of improper form, carrying too much weight, or other factors that render the movement ineffective.
For people who underuse their glutes or who have a lot of glute muscle atrophy, glute bridges are also very helpful as a focused movement. The movement not only physically engages the glutes but also helps build the mind-muscle connection to this region so that you can see glute activation and strength results translate into additional activities like running, jumping, lifting, and more.
2. Decrease Back and Knee Pain:
When performed correctly, the glute bridge exercise shouldn’t actually hurt your back; instead, it should make any existing back pain better. When you don’t arch through the movement, you can increase the strength of the posterior chain muscles, which include the hamstrings, glutes, core, and back muscles.
This will inevitably lead to an improvement in how your body moves and supports you. So, if you spend too much time standing, sitting, or driving—activities that most of us are guilty of—you can reduce the pain in your low back. Additionally, the glute bridge exercise can actually help you grow your glutes, reducing back pain, body fat, and improving overall aesthetic if you have knee problems that prevent you from performing squats or deadlifts.
3. Improved Athletic Performance:
The glute bridge exercise is a must-do if you’re looking for a way to effectively increase your posterior chain performance in your activity through strength and power. In addition to improving your aesthetics and functionality, glute bridges will also benefit you by making movements like running and jumping more effective for the Olympic Games and your overall athletic performance.
Better hip extension translates to better, bigger, and stronger pulls in bodyweight exercises like burpees and ring muscle ups as well as in lifts like deadlifts, snatches, cleans, and jerks. Speaking of a strong movement.
4. Develop Size:
A proverb that goes something like “you don’t get the butt you want by sitting on it” is absolutely true. You’re going to have to move it if you want to build it. A bigger butt is one of the benefits of exercising your glutes and performing glute bridges. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that size doesn’t always equate to strength. Buttons that are small but powerful should not be disregarded because they frequently outperform buttons that are larger in size.
Even if you fall on the smaller end of the booty size spectrum, building quality, strong, and sizable muscle in the three glute muscles will be worthwhile. Yes, some people are genetically gifted in the glute area. Why? Because a butt of any size has the potential to burst into a bubble.
5. Improve Posture:
Improvements in posterior chain strength will not only improve performance and appearance, as we briefly discussed earlier, but will also have a positive impact on your posture and general health.
You’ll stand taller, walk straighter, and feel better if your body has strong muscles to hold the kinetic chain and your skeletal frame in place. But don’t just take our word for it; observe the changes in posture for yourself and finally enjoy the advantages of the glute bridge exercise.
How To Do A Glute Bridge:
- Lay flat on your back on the ground to begin.
- Press your core into the ground, feeling your hips align with your spine (without arching), and make sure there is no space between your back and the floor.
- From this point on, move your feet in a 90-degree angle toward your booty.
- The only thing left to do is raise your hips toward the ceiling while keeping your feet firmly planted, your arms extended to the sides, and your chin tucked.
- You should continue to maintain good posture, avoid arching your back, and use your booty to power your hip drive.
- After pausing briefly at the top, gently lower yourself with the same form, without arching, by pressing your feet and arms into the ground.
- Repetition is encouraged. If you want to make the exercise harder, add a weight, a band, or another piece of exercise equipment.
Glute Bridge vs Hip Thrust:
What distinguishes the glute bridge from the hip thrust is a common query trainers receive. Although we could probably write a whole article about it, we’ll keep it brief and straightforward. The main distinction between the two exercises is that the glute bridge is done on the ground while the hip thrust is done with the shoulders stabilized on a bench or box.
Both can be performed using only bodyweight or additional weight, and both promote the growth of the posterior chain and glutes. However, the hip thrust is typically loaded with weight as a strength training exercise. Because of the angle, the body is in a better, more stable position to add weight than it would be on the ground.

Glute Bridge Variations:
There are many different glute bridge variations available, and each one has a specific function in terms of increasing the size, strength, power, and activation of the glutes. We do, however, strongly advise that you perfect the glute bridge’s form and function on the ground without any weight before moving on to more intricate and technical exercises.
When it comes to developing your glutes, always prioritize quality over quantity. And believe us when we say that you should reduce the weight, reevaluate, and restart if your glutes aren’t firing and you’re not feeling the burn in your booty muscles. You can be certain that you will experience the desired glute pump in this manner.
- March across the glute.
- With a Dumbbell, Glute Bridge.
- Glute Bridge Device.
- Leg Bridge on a Bench.
- Glute Bridge With a Barbell.
The Difference between Glute Bridge VS Hip Thurst:
A glute bridge is a strengthening exercise that is typically done on the floor or a mat, whereas a hip thrust is a strengthening exercise that is typically done with a loaded barbell across your waistline to provide overloading capacity and your upper back resting on an elevated platform, like a bench.
Since you usually use your own body weight to perform glute bridges, they are a great exercise for people who are always on the go or don’t have time to go to the gym. They can also be performed anywhere—at home, in a hotel room, or even in your office—since no special tools are required.
What muscles do Glute Bridge Targets?
Glute bridges are an excellent warm-up exercise for deadlifts and squats because they target your hamstrings as well as your glute muscles, especially the gluteus maximus, which is the largest glute muscle.
Glute bridges not only tone your lower body, but they also work your abs and core. You must include exercises that strengthen your core muscles because your core controls all of your movements.
Proper core strength enhances your ability to balance, which can help you avoid injuries. A stable core is responsible for movements as simple as vacuuming your living room carpet to complex movements like a Romanian deadlift.
According to Harvard research, weak or uncoordinated core muscles can negatively affect your daily activities, back health, sports participation, housework, posture, and balance.
How to Perform Glute bridges safely and effectively?
- Lay back on your back, bending your knees, and placing your feet flat on the ground. In a forward position, your feet ought to be hip-width apart. With your fingertips, try to stroke the backs of your heels.
- Ensure engagement by tightening your glutes and abs. Taking a breath out, slowly raise your hips toward the ceiling while pressing your heels into the ground.
- As high as you can, lift your hips, but do not arch your back.
Keeping your glutes squeezed, hold the position for a few seconds. Imagine a line running directly from your hips to your knees to your shoulders. - As you inhale, slowly abrogate your hips while maintaining muscular tension.
Eccentric, isometric, and concentric motions all play a role in glute bridge exercises.
The Glute Bridge and Curl:
The glute bridge is my favorite. In order to prevent pain and injuries, lift more weight, and run faster, it is a great exercise to activate the glutes.
But repeatedly performing the same exercise becomes monotonous. In addition, your muscles adapt and require a fresh challenge to keep growing.
Because of this, it’s crucial to vary the exercises in your workouts.
Place both feet on top of one towel, hip-width apart, to perform the two-legged curl (or place a towel or slider under each foot). Slide your feet out of the bridge position to begin. As you slide out, keep your glutes contracted and your hips lifted off the ground.
As you slide out, make sure your abs are contracting. After that, bring your hips up into a glute bridge while curling your heels back in. As you slide out or back in, avoid letting your hips sag toward the floor. To protect your low back, keep your abs tight.
To vary the move, you can also use a Yoga Ball, Power Wheel, or Suspension Trainer.
Due to the unstable nature of the equipment—such as a Suspension Trainer, Power Wheel, or Yoga Ball—using them makes the exercise even more core-intensive. If you are still learning how to use the bridge and curl from the ground, avoid using these other tools.
The Power Wheel Bridge and Curl is merely an advanced variant. There isn’t a modification for beginners.
Put your feet in the straps to perform the Power Wheel variation. Bring the power wheel in toward your butt while lying on your back. Your upper back and arms should be on the ground as you flex your arms to a 90-degree angle. Then put your feet on the wheel and drive with your upper back.
Keep your core contract and tight your glutes. Then slowly extend your legs while keeping your butt from dipping to the floor. Pulling your heels back toward your butt will raise your hips higher once your legs are extended straight. Keep your back from arching excessively. Straighten your legs once more after bringing the wheel back toward your butt.
You just need to use new variations of the exercises you’re already doing.By using various pieces of equipment, such as a glute bridge that is elevated off the ground or a box, you can, for example, perform the same exercise while changing it up. A variety of weights, such as kettlebells and dumbbells, can also be used. a barbell vs. “sandbag bridges”.
For example, the Glute Bridge and Curl targets the same muscles from a slightly different angle.
The Glute Bridge and Curl is a fantastic bridge variation that uses more hamstrings than most other Glute Bridge variations. Because of the curl as well as the straight-legged bridge that is a part of the exercise, it is more hamstring-intensive. Check out these variations on the glute bridge and curl for everyone from a beginner to an experienced exerciser.
Additionally, you can change up your workouts by performing glute bridge and curls rather than just glute bridges and by changing the equipment you use to perform the glute bridge and curls.
The Basic Glute Bridge and Curl on sliders or towels is demonstrated in both a beginner and advanced version below.
Beginners might need to begin with a single-leg bridge and curl, while more experienced exercisers might perform a two-leg bridge and curl.
Beginners should start with one towel or slider under just one foot and slide out one leg at a time. One leg will be extended out at a time as you position yourself in a glute bridge while keeping your hips up. . Feel your hamstrings working to pull the towel back in as you curl each leg in. If the single towel or slider move is simple, place a towel or slider under each foot and alternate your legs, bringing one leg out at a time.
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